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maiores saepe earum omnis ullam temporibus exercitationem
nemo laudantium deleniti impedit ab dolorem.

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Medi3D Solutions

Advancing Healthcare by
Patient-Specific 3D Solutions

Numquam quo beatae hic voluptate porro accusamus voluptatem
temporibus cumque obcaecati architecto, facere itaque.


Latest Advanced
Healthcare Solutions

We help you improve outcomes.

Increase Insight into the Patient's Pathology

Improve Patient Consent & Communication

Reduce Time in the OR

Create Patient-Specific Devices

Enable Pre-Surgical Practice & Simulation

Facilitate Multidisciplinary Team Discussion & Planning

3D Solutions

Patient-Specific 3D Solutions

3D Visualization

Visualize your patient's data in 3D, but don't need a physical 3D printed model.

3D Mesh File

Export to CAD to design or run analysis on patient-specific data.

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Its easy, lets get started.

3D Print-Ready File

Get a print-ready STL file to export and upload to your 3D printer and print in-house.

3D Printed Model

Hold your patient's anatomy in your hand to provide better insight to improve your surgical plan.

Our Services

We Offer the Fastest Way
to Acquire a Medical Data


Dicom to STL Segmentation &


Dicom to 3D Printed Model
(Dicom to Print)


Artificial Intelligence Machine
Learning Datasets


Fluid Dynamics Modeling


Patient Specific Prostheses
& Implant Design


Custom Surgical Guides &


MRI & CT Based 3D Medical Animations


3D Slicer Automation Scripts

Rib Image Small Bone Image Small Spine Image

Our Standards

High Accuracy Deviation Under 0.3mm

Clinical & Industrial Applications

Patient Specific Models

Voxel Deviation

Dicom to STL

Segmentation & Conversion

DICOM is the native file format produced by MRI and CT scanners and STL is the native format accepted by 3D printers. Our DICOM to STL conversion process is fast and simple and allows 3D models to be printed for CT/MRI DICOM files.

Chose a way to send your DICOM data to us, then we will discuss what areas you are interested in and the purpose of the model at this point we will provide you with a quote for the various printing options we offer and in most cases we can deliver a model to you within 5-7 working days.

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Send Us your DICOM Files

You can send your case to us on CD by post or online. If you would like to know more about how to send files to us or discuss your case with one of our experts you can contact us.

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We Process & Enhance your Scan & Convert your DICOM to STL Files

Once we receive your DICOM files we will contact you to discuss the case further including areas of interest. We then convert your DICOM to STL which is a 3D model format supported universally by 3D printers. This step involves ensuring that 3D STL files are “watertight” so that they can be 3D printed.

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Enhancement & Post Processing

The area of interest is isolated and enhanced as required. Noise and other artefacts are cleaned from the data. Different parts of the anatomy can be separated according to density and printing processes allow for these to be coloured differently. This can be useful for highlighting nerves, implants or other critical areas.


Exclusive Online Platform
for Healthcare 3D Services

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Medical Image Conversion

Converting DICOM Images into 3D Files or 2D Files in JPEG Format, that will help doctors to get more details of the Case and help in diagnosing the patient.

Bio CAD Modeling

Specialized in the production of three-dimensional custom anatomical models primarily for dental, medical and biomedical engineering applications.

Healthcare 3D Printing

3D Printing is used for development of new surgical cutting and drill guides, prosthetics as well as the creation of patient-specific replicas of bones, organs and blood vessels.

3D Process

How it Works?

Upload DICOM Image or 3D Scan

Convert your DICOM Image to 3D Files

Consult our Doctors & Bio CAD Modellers to Design Patient Specific Medical Devices

Get Healthcare 3D Printed Parts at your Doorstep

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with Medi3D Technologies

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